During her former career as a high school art teacher and staff development instructor, Emily completed her MA in art education pursuing the convergence of storytelling and new media. Her master’s thesis, a website called The Mom Project, examines issues of narrative and the use of technology in the art classroom. In 2002 she joined the staff of another Berkeley-based non-profit, StoryCenter, teaching storytelling media training workshops around the world, as well as taking on the role of Managing Director. As the staff grew, she shifted away from teaching, focusing instead on developing StoryCenter’s organizational and financial systems.
In addition to her work with StoryCenter she joined the team of Halpert CPAs using her creative energies to good use toward refining and streamlining the functions of other non-profit organizations. She has been supporting Story of Stuff with their accounting since 2017.
She lives in Berkeley with her husband and their 2 children, enjoying the bounty of great food and nature in the Bay Area. You can reach her at emily [at] storyofstuff [dot] org.