Jennie is the principal of JCurtis Philanthropic Advising established in 2022 as a next step in her systems change journey after 21 years as the executive director of the Garfield Foundation. Under her leadership Garfield initiated two systems informed collaborative networks: the RE-AMP Network (140 U.S. Midwest-based organizations collaborating to drastically, and equitably, reduce global warming pollution) and the Cancer Free Economy Network (a U.S. nation-wide network of public health, medical, labor, and environmental justice advocates tackling toxic chemical exposures that cause cancer and other diseases). In addition, Garfield made countless investments to connect, enrich and expand the field of systems change. In 2021, Jennie accepted the international Catalyst 2030 Award for Donor Organizations presented to the Garfield Foundation “in recognition of its thoughtful and equitable manner in supporting systems transformation.”